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Grieving In Extraordinary Times

Grieving in Extraordinary Times

Live webinar via Zoom / FREE Registration is Essential
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

11:00 to 12:00 pm PT / 2:00 to 3:00 pm ET

About this Webinar 
Experiencing and processing loss and grief is difficult enough during ordinary circumstances. Grief is a messy, complicated, and often a lonely emotional journey for which there is no single or correct way to navigate. Right now there are so many aspects to the death and non-death losses we are experiencing individually, in our communities, and globally. We may or may not be impacted personally by death loss but we are all connected to the loss of our normal routines and to the losses within our communities, nations, and across the globe. Human losses come in in two key forms: death loss and non-death loss. Grief is intimately connected to both types of loss and in the anticipation of a loss. 

Each of us will connect to these aspects in various ways and levels of intensity depending upon our personal circumstances. The more aspects of our lives that are touched by the current situation, the complexity of our grief grows exponentially. Understandably, people are struggling emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. Nothing about the processing of grief is normal during this time period, in part because the foundation of our world has shifted so dramatically. Learning to identify what losses are impacting our lives, how it is affecting us and techniques for narrating the process is essential for our well-being and healing. 

Learning Goals:
Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the multitude death and non-death loss situations that can cause grief in our lives during this uncertain time. Beginning with ourselves we will start with the personal and expand to understand the global impact of grief. 

We will examine the impact loss has on the brain and why grief can be difficult to navigate and why it will not be held to a particular time-line. Participants will learn to name each of the five stages of grief as defined by Kübler-Ross, and the sixth stage recently defined by David Kessler. We will also lean on the work of various other loss and grief experts.  

Lastly, we will explore the three key aspects needed for community healing after tragedy in order to process our own loss effectively and be better change agents for our communities.

About Our Presenter 
Nicola Tannion Ph.D is an academic and spiritual teacher, writer, and bridge-builder with national and international experience. She has an innate ability to draw upon wisdom from the deep wells of the ancient ancestral mysteries, world mythologies, and the collective unconscious. Her highly attuned EQ is a soothing elixir for the wounded world and affords her access to individual, environmental, and collective energetic imbalances, and suffering. She has taught Loss & Grief, and Communal Loss and Grief within the Antioch Seattle BA Completion Program and presents at national and international conferences. 

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  • Location:
    Antioch Univ Seattle

  • Start Date:

  • Focus Area:
    Mindfulness & Wellness

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  • Category:
    Community Offerings

  • Bookings please use the direct link to Antioch Community Education Courses listed below.