As we consciously choose to heal our lives, our ancestors are also healed. Healing ourselves is the greatest gift we can offer our familial lines past, present, and future. We stand-alone as individuals and yet are intimately connected through our genetics, cultural heritage, and directly through ancestral resonance. Every human being is a bridge between the ancestors and the generations yet to be born. Each of us has unique access to, and connection with, the thousands of ancestors through our DNA.

Ancestral patterns and traits, both positive and negative can seem obvious, such as handed down from a long line in a particular trade or study, or, the shape of our bodies or facial features. Other repeated aspects of our ancestors lives such as dreams, passions, or interests may be kept a little more hidden by the ancestors themselves, until the right descendent is called forth to reveal and heal or fulfill a long held desire. Our ancestors stories are alive being relived through us over and over, providing repeated opportunities for profound healing and transformation.

Are you curious about how the lives of your ancestors may be impacting you today?

Are you drawn to or feel a strong connection to one or more of your ancestors?

Do you identify strongly with one particular branch of your ancestral tree?

Do you reject part of your identity?

As people travel further from our ancestral homelands due to curiosity, necessity, or opportunity we have become disconnected from the bones and stories of our elders, from their ways of knowing, loving, and learning.

Join me and we will undertake a journey along a carefully designed pathway that will challenge you psychologically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Committing to healing our family lines take courage and an expert guide.    

As a result of working through your genetic, psychological, and mythological ancestral landscapes you will understand yourself and your role in healing your familial tree and the tree of humanity. 

Contact me for your free 20 min session:



My first experience with the ancestral realm was when I was 12 years old and living on a 400 acre peanut farm in SE Queensland. I had no idea what to make of the experience, except not to speak of it. Over the 40 years since that time my capacity has increased to work with not only my own ancestors but the ancestors of others as well as individuals who have died but not fully crossed over, and individuals (human and animal) who are on the threshold of death.

In white Western culture we are greatly removed from dying, death, and the deceased. We are fearful of death, ours and others, yet it is something from which none of us can escape. The ancestors have enabled me to access wisdom, guidance, and facilitated intergenerational healing. What kind of ancestor do you want to be?