Do you wonder what your dreams mean for you?

Do you have a dream or dreams you consider “big”, meaning, you have dreams that are out of the ordinary or seem like messages from the spiritual realm?

Do you wonder what the repeated symbols, colors, numbers, actions, or figures mean, for you?

Dreams are the gateway to our unconscious, the part of ourselves that holds our unspeakable desires and wishes—both the positive and those less than socially acceptable. Our dreams try and communicate with us through symbols, themes, and characters. If we are paying attention we can notice repeated aspects that show up over a period of time or throughout the course of our life. Dreams are helping us understand ourselves and our world better.

Time and space exist on a very different plane that that of our waking world. We can move easily from one scene to the next. We can turn and find ourselves in a whole new location or an entirely new dream.

Dreams are rarely what we first think they mean upon waking. Human nature will always seek to order things and our ego’s will always seek to make sense in a way that keeps us feeling safe. When we become curious of the living aspects of our dream-sphere, we can learn more about our inner drivers, fears, wishes, and way we orientate ourselves in the world.

Contact me direct: nicola@nicolatannion.com



“You have helped me breathe new life into a dream I thought dead.” Anon
“It felt as if Nicky was speaking straight into my soul.” Nicole